Thursday, January 12, 2012


I think the dream I had the night before last might prove that I have some sort of psychic abilities.

Dream Diary 1/8/12:

  • I dreamed that I was was completely unprepared for the callbacks I was supposed to run tonight. I didn't have any exercises to do, and I forgot my cd player, and everything was just awful.

Dream Diary 1/10/12:

  • I was over at a friend's house, and somehow we became aware that there was a zombie outside trying to get in. We locked all of the doors to make it couldn't get us, but it was an intelligent zombie. It found the car outside, and drove it through the house- literally through, crashing through walls and stuff- to make us go outside. We headed to her archery range so we could shoot it. While we were getting all of the stuff, the zombie touched me and annother person, which turned us into zombies. Eventually, my friend shot an arrow into his heart (after a couple of misses lodged in his chest). At first, we stayed zombies, but then since our creator was dead, we began turning back into humans. I remember, because the other zombie person pulled their heart out and saw it was starting to beat again, so they put it back. 
    • I saw this was a prediction dream, because I DID kind of turn into a zombie yesterday. I felt like one at any rate. I started my menstrual period (yeah, I said it) and I always get really tired and gross the first day. I TURNED INTO A ZOMBIE!
Dream Diary 1/11/12:
  • I was playing an intense game of hockey with some strange people. Then, someone new entered the game, and we had to teach them how to play. I decided that while this was taking time, I needed to go get my hair cut. I went to the place my friend works at, but the person at the front desk told me that they didn't have that option any more. I was really mad, and then, to top it off, my hone died. So I went  back and continued playing hockey with those people. Our goalies sucked. 

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