Monday, January 16, 2012

Celebrating MLKJ Day

Dream Diary 1/16/12:

  • My computer was on the fritz, so my dad took me shopping for a whole bunch of new stuff. I got a huge body pillow and a new computer. Then, I was at a theme park that i thought was Disneyland. I was with a huge group and helping to look after some of the younger kids. We all went on a ride that was extremely similar to Mullholand Madness from Disneyland, but ended up being almost more like Goliath from Six Flags Magic Mountain. There were a couple of HUGE drops that we went down, and then a HUGE loop-the-loop we were supposed to go around. But none of us really got up enough speed to go all the way around, so we went part of the way up and then came ack down and landed in  a park somewhere. Then my mom almost got hit by something, so I yelled at her to watch out, but she got mad that I yelled at her and said I also didn't make the reservations for that night. I had never heard that I had to make the reservations, but I got on the phone anyway and made reservations to eat on Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday. The guy on the phone sounded really stressed, but nice. I made a reservation for 9:45pm. 
An interesting note for this dream: I actually woke up at the very end, right after I got off the roller coaster. I was able to turn of my alarm and go back to sleep back into the dream. When this happens, I would say I usually have about a 70% success at getting back into the dream. Sometimes I just can't, and other times I'll get back into it, but it will take a completely new direction. 

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