Thursday, January 5, 2012


Dream Diary 1/4/12:
  • Pretty boring for people who don't know these people. I was at my old high school with a friend who's directing Twelfth Night this quarter at my school. We talked about the show because I was her Lighting Designer (even though in real life, I'm just helping out).
Dream Diary 1/5/12:
  • I had two dream last night. I lived in a castle (but in modern times), and I was five years old and a boy. To impress my father, I my siblings and I had a sort of contest/race: whoever could go and catch 7 trout without anything to help them, and then catch the king monster trout who was 3 times bigger than all the others would be the winner. I raced across the moat bridge and ran into town, where there was a large lake and i knew I could find some trout. When I found the lake, I jumped in, but I was almost carried out to an island in the middle of it by the super strong current. The island had a huge playground on it, so at first I was tempted to go there, but then I remembered my mission and swam back to shore before I got too far out. I sat on the side of the lake and dangled my hands and feet in. I caught 5 trout pretty fast, but then I had a dry spell and got distracted by something. Then, in the way dreams do, I whooshed into the next day, where I had magically grown up into Jason Bateman. I couldn't catch the rest of my fish, but I drove back to the castle anyway.
  • This dream was rather creepy at some parts, although I can't remember all of it- mostly the end. Part of the time I was in my house, but it wasn't my real house, it was weirdly similar and not. I was worried about something, I think the electrical wires. I next remember being in some crazy underground labyrinth place, and some evil guy was menacing me, and then a hot red hotrod came out of nowhere and chased the evil guy away down into hell. It was because the evil guy had killed him and he came back as a sportscar for revenge. Then it turned all movie-like; there were a whole bunch of shots leading down into the basement where it turned into hell with a creepy janitor with huge, bulging blue eyes holding the door open for people to go down. I was walking back down into the hell area, when I saw a door on a ledge and climbed a ladder to it. I helped my friend escape as well when she saw what I was doing.
Do you understand it? I don't. 

They are interesting though. The first one about pleasing my father might have drawn from the fact that I watched Thor for the first time last night with my friend.

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