Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Sun and I

Hello all.

So I had work disgustingly early this morning, which for me means at 6:45 am, meaning I had to get up at 6. As a theater major and person, this time is never agreeable to me. I often as not go to bed at 1 am, and try to sleep as late as I can before getting up. I prefer nighttime to daytime anyway. The sun can't follow me into night, and we have a long enmity punctuated by the sun's attempts to do me harm. Actually, I just burn extremely easily. Fall and Winter are my favorite times of year. Many people down here in SoCal complain that the sun goes away early, and I just sit there and smile smugly to myself whenever I hear that.

Anyway, after a long detour, I can say that getting about 3 hours of sleep (after staying up watching TV online because my sleep schedule is that way) I had no dreams during the night. However, when I came home, I did have a dream that slipped away from me right as I woke up. To the best of my knowledge, it was:

Dream Diary 1/3/12

  • Something to do with Buffy the Vampire Slayer- hunting evil and such. 
This was probably due to the fact that I watched it all last night before I went to bed. It's all on Hulu, and while it is a bit dated, I enjoy watching the show because I consider Joss Whedon a genius writer/director. Him and Christopher Nolan are practically gods in my opinion. If you haven't seen Whedon's "Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog", take 45 minutes out of your day and watch it. You can find it online. It's amazing. 

When I woke up this afternoon, my cat was sleeping next to me. I'll describe her more in another blog sometime, but I just wanted to mention that she was dreaming too. Her paws and ears were twitching at times, and I just thought "like mother, like daughter" to myself. It made me laugh- but not so loud as to wake her up. 

I leave with this BBT reference:

"Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr."

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