Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolutions and More

Hey all.

So, it's been forever and a half since I updated this blog. I am usually kind of bad about this sort of thing- whenever I have endevored to keep a recording of my life in days gone by, whether it be by diary, journal, or online blog, I have found ways to strictly keep to my convictions for a short time before letting them ascend to the back corner of my mind where I safely forget them.

Hopefully not so this time.

Along with keeping this blog more accurately and temporally (was that the right word?) I plan to exercise more and eat better. I did that over the summer and it worked for me- before I let it ascend to the... so on. I also plan to see my family more often. You never know... about death and so on.

To take a slightly depressing turn here, for those of you who don't know me my mother is terminally ill with a brain tumor that has persisted in coming back despite chemo and two surgeries. She is not expected to live through the year. This has had a huge impact on my life and that of my family. She is not in any pain, and she and my father are both home based, so she doesn't have a lot of stress in her life, which is great. She often spends entire days in bed watching movies and sometimes comes out for forays to Disneyland, where she, my dad, and myself all have annual passes. So, it's sometimes difficult for me to choose between going out with friends and staying home; I feel selfish for wanting to go out and have fun, as I am 21 and love to dance (even though that doesn't mean I actually can...) and I want to seize my youth. But I only have so much time left for her and the clock is ticking. Also, I have a lot of theater commitments in and out of school, and this often tears me in half- I have rehearsals very late and entire months are eaten with preparations, and then my family hates me for not visiting. I just don't know what to do sometimes.

I want to take this time to thank my friends who have helped me a lot the past couple of years. I don't know what I'd do without you.

Steering in a slightly different direction, I am going to say that I fully intend to uphold my dream diary to the fullest on this blog. I am including dreams that might not be interesting to everyone, but oh well. Hopefully this intensely strange dreams I often experience will make up for that. For instance, one time I dreamt I was out with Benedict Cumberbatch (fantastic British actor; if you don't know who he is, look him up) and we ran into Daniel Craig, and they sort of fell in love, and then we had to fight a giant squid that was breaking up the pier we were on. Weird, I know. I love it though.

Dream Diary 1/1/12:
  • Last night I dreamt that I was an X-men. I was a female blue monster, not unlike Beast, but in girl form. Myself, along with some others (none of whom I remember being actual X-Men characters) had to catch a bad mutant. I was the only one who caught up with him and finally fought him. He named me "Amazeing Mad". I know the spelling was like this because it appeared in captions on the bottom of my dream. After that, I went back to school with the other mutants, but I was really insecure about my appearance, being all blue and hairy. Anyway, I found a watch that would let me change my appearance into a rather large, blonde- haired, blue-eyed caricature; pretty much a cartoon. Anyway, I had to perform a song with a classmate, and by the end of it I decided that I'd rather look the way I was rather than hide it. Perhaps this could be seen as my on-again-off-again desire to lose weight, or it might just be an incredibly strange dream. :)
With that, I take my leave, adding only to anyone who reads this blog that you will soon be treated to a long description of why I am enamored with Jamie Bell and  Rupert Grint. For now I say, Jamie, you are one of the most talented young actors of our generation; you light up the screen with your performances, even if I do not always care for the subject matter (you need to stop teaming up with silly American teen throbs). And as for Rupert, I love your capacity for comedy (Wild Target is amazing!) and your great relaxation with your art form. Also, as I am also a redhead, we need to procreate for the good of our species. Two redheads will always make another, and it has been pointed out that red hair is dying out. We must prevent this!

Last but not least, I have decided that I will also be going through my personal movie collection one dvd at a time, critiquing it and saying what I like or dislike about each of them. It is possible to own movies you might not be truly enamored with if you have another incentive for owning them (Jumper and Jamie Bell, *cough!*).

Anyway, if anyone is reading this, thank you for reading, and if not, well, I shall enjoy remembering my dreams and other things that pop into my life. Thank you, and Happy New Year!

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