Monday, February 13, 2012

Too Real

Dream Diary 2/11/12:

  • I dreamed that I was taking an acting class, and that I had a scene with the teacher, but I only knew the first two and the last lines of the scene we were supposed to do together. I freaked out, but when I skipped them, the teacher just said it was cool that I was acting so hard I didn't need the words. Haha.
Dream Diary 2/13/12:
  • I had a dream that Christopher Nolan was working on a new film, and somehow he invited me to come and do voiceover work. He told me to come in at 11, and I thought he meant pm, but as the night went on, I even became super late to the pm call. I ended up leaving around 2 am, but I woke up before I got there. I was really worried the whole night that I was going to wake my roommate, but she woke up anyway and it was ok. *I told myself in the dream that I would know if it was a dream or not by checking to see if my phone had Christopher Nolan's phone number. It doesn't.
  • I had a Peter Pan-like dream where I was a kind of Lost Boy. My friends got captured and were going to be put to death, but I went in to sacrifice myself to save them. But Peter came and saved all of us. 
  • Something about haunted houses- I think I was trapped in one, and it might have been sentient. *Credit this one to my dad, who made me watch the Shining this weekend.

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