Sunday, February 5, 2012

Dolphins and Pulleys

Dream Diary 2/312:

  • This dream was very ocean-themed. From what I remember, I was a friend to the dolphins, and we were being attacked by some evil people. I remember being on a beach, and seeing the skeleton of a dolphin. After seeing this, we decided to attack the evil people ourselves. I went into the water and swam with a dolphin to the bad people, who happened to be in the water. I let go of the dolphin and swam towards him myself. They tried to shoot me with a machine gun, but the bullets just went into the sand. That's all I remember.
Dream Diary 2/5/12:
  • Last night was a few different dreams I remember little pieces of. Mainly, I was getting together with my family for a holiday, Halloween I think. Something weird happened to our cars, and somehow we ended up at our old condo. I remember showing off and walking along a narrow railing without falling off, like a cat. Then one of my friends from school was there, and he was trying to fight a ninja using and elaborate pulley system of cars.

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