Thursday, February 2, 2012

Long Time, No Dream

I haven't posted in awhile due to the simple fact that I have not been dreaming lately. I attribute this to the fact that being back in school has given me less time to sleep; I am too tired to dream, or at least to remember my dreams when I wake up.

I did have dreams last night, but I already forgot them- they were something to do with real life, so probably of no interest to anyone besides myself anyway.

I am so busy this week. I am Assistant Directing a show (shout out to ensemble- you guys are awesome!) outside of school, I am Fight Choreographer for a show at school, I am directing a scene for class, and I have to be in a scene for a different class. I love being a part of everything, but sometimes it's a lot.

I was lucky enough to see an advanced screening of Pirates: Band of Misfits! before it was officially released in theaters. I loved it, as I love many of the voice actors, and I think British humor is way funnier than American. What saddened me was the fact that one of my favorite parts in the film and the part of the trailer that really made me want to go see the movie was the reference to lepers. I'm sorry if you're a leper and this offends you, but I think it's bullsh*t that the moviemakers were forced to take that part out. It wasn't cruel to lepers at all; it was just using it for comedic effect. Also, leprosy is treatable now- it's not like thousands die every day from it. As I am not a leper, I guess I can't make too strong of a case here, but I really  feel that the reference in the film was based on comedic innocence, and not a drive to undermine the ILEP or any of the lepers living today.

So, sorry for the rant. I didn't have a dream, so it was the best I could think of for now.

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