Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The End of the World

Dream Diary 2/67/12:

  • I don't remember all of last night's dream, but I do know it had to do with the end of the world. I remember taking a road trip with my mom and dad, and we stopped a couple of places... I remember looking at a waterfall in the dark when they were asleep. Then I was in the back area of some kind of warehouse or club, and all I knew was that the world had ended in it's own way, and that I was supposed to help it start back up somehow, but I was trying to do it in a way in which there would be nothing evil in it. Very strange. Also, interestingly enough, the end of the world wasn't a bad thing- it was just the end. It was just the natural order of things. I thinkn there were other people there too- not a lot, but a few. No one was freaking out or attacking each other or anything the way they sometimes do in movies- we all just were. 
I don't believe the world is ending this year. I just found it interesting that I had a dream about it, and it wasn't scary or evil- it just was. I don't know... I definitely hope the world doesn't end this year- there are so many things I still have done that I want to do- like have a boyfriend, or hike to the top of Half Dome in Yosemite (the back way- no cliffs for me). Anyway, cheers to NOT the end of the world this year. :)

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