Monday, March 19, 2012


I can't remember which night, but I recently had a dream that I had huge love handles, so big that when I clenched any muscles, they would expand and get bigger. Weird. Also, I had another dream that I was at Disneyland, and I was part of some special event as an SM or something... It's finals week. I should really be studying for my next final in 60 minutes rather than writing in this blog to no one.

Oh well :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

I'm so Tired

I had some dreams last night, but I can't remember them. That seems to have become a recurring thing. I am so tired. I love working, and working hard, but there is so much going on in my life right now. My mom is dying. She is not expected to be here for much longer. And here I am, graduating and working harder at school than I ever have. I am working on three shows right now, not to mention scenes and essays for school. As I write this, I am in tech for a project happening next week. I am holding auditions for the new show I'm directing next week, and I am working on a show outside of school as an assistant director.

So, there is a lot happening. I have been very bad about writing lately, but I haven't had many dreams, as I am so tired. So sorry, if anyone reads this blog and you feel cheated that I am writing a dream diary without dreams. Maybe once I am finished with school they will come more... In any case, I will try to be better and keep up more.